Joker figma
Joker figma


The icing of the cake? The item can be obtained only by killing the mobs with headshots.

  • Borderlands: Almost every single quest is one of these (there are rare, usually storyline-related, "normal" item fetch quests).
  • joker figma

    Which was never disclosed until you received it. Combine this with certain bear asses not being available until the player is in an area far away and there being no means of travel between areas except on foot.

  • Not to mention that every sidequest has a time limit.
  • The body parts ones are really annoying as you have a knife yet somehow only managed to cut the foot/eye/tail off one out of ten times?
  • Many of the sidequests in STALKER are of this type and rarely worth the reward.
  • That said, you'd think Monster Claws would be dropping every time you offed a Keese, but the drop rate seems to be completely random besides certain carried items increasing it.


    Optional in The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword where collecting enemy drops allows you to upgrade your items, but isn't exactly necessary.If you don't read the walkthrough and stock up, you'll likely find yourself spending hours and hours going back and forth finding out what you need and getting each Gibdo's price for opening the door.


  • In Majoras Mask, there's a place where there's a maze full of Gibdos, each protecting a door, an each asking for a given number of a certain item.
  • This example isn't too bad compared to most, though, since Joy Pendants are very easy to get and you'll likely have far more than enough before you need to make the trade.
  • The Legend of Zelda the Wind Waker requires Link at one point to trade twenty Joy Pendants with a teacher to get an island which holds a Triforce map.
  • Then there's the blacksmith, who just needs a certain number of random drop metals.
  • To illustrate, one villager sends you on quests to kill a certain number of creatures, culminating in her sending you to kill an optional boss in a location you might never reach.
  • Unfortunately it turned simple fetch quests into a bundle of Twenty Bear Asses.
  • Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia took the NPC sidequest ingredient from its predecessor, Portrait of Ruin.
  • Not to be confused with Cheek Copy, which could result in 20 bare asses.

    joker figma

    Compare Cash Gate, which requires you to collect something useful to proceed, usually money. It may not make sense for the player characters to accept them, and, in the worst case, may be a form of Fake Longevity.įrequently overlaps, either in the same quest or same area, with Mass Monster Slaughter Sidequest.

    joker figma

    This type of quest can frequently not fit in thematically with a story, and could be arbitrarily inserted into any location the player is at ( Lava Bears, Mist Bears, Greater Bears, Hellbears.) as long as there's a bear with the perfect ass required to make. Turns out only pristine bear asses will do, even when the woodsman just wants twenty bears dead and doesn't actually want to make anything out of the bear asses. A flimsy justification is that the body part may have been compromised during the fight. This sort of quest can draw attention to the inherent Fridge Logic of Random Drops, such as when the drop in question is a vital body part that all monster corpses should have, like a liver, feet, or a head.

    joker figma

    The common hypothetical example involves a woodsman NPC asking the Player Character to deliver 20 sections of bear to him. Twenty Bear Asses is a sub-category of Fetch Quest that involves going around killing enemies and collecting a certain amount of a specific item that these enemies randomly drops.

    Joker figma